2023 - present - Senior Full-stack Software Engineer (DAACI, London)
Developing tools for musicians and composers including a Java standalone app for meta-composition and C++ plugins.
(XX months, Full-Time)
2022 - 2023 - Senior Full-stack Software Engineer (HeliosX, London)
Developing and maintaining a series of microservices using cloud providers.
With heavy involvement in the design process.
(1 year, Full-Time)
2020 - 2022 - Full-stack Software Engineer (Elsevier, London)
Developing and maintaining a series of microservices using cloud providers.
With heavy involvement in the design process.
(2 years and 8 months, Full-Time)
2017 - 2019 - Software Consultant (Scott Logic, Bristol)
Developing bespoke software for clients in the financial sector.
Refining requirements as per the project's needs.
Researching and investigating technologies that are suitable for the client's use case.
(2 years and 11 months, Full-Time)
2016 - Motion Tracking Annotation (SHPERE, Bristol)
Annotating raw data from motion detection cameras with VICON's Nexux Motion Capture Software.
(2 months, Project)
2015 - Electrician Assistant (Bristol Sparks, Bristol)
Installing electrical circuits and CCTV systems.
(2 months, Project)
2013 - Research Assistant in (GTE, Madrid)
Calculating simple structures for construction.
Researching folding trusses as a future investment.
(4 months, Full-Time, Internship)