Nikolaos Pappas

I am a passionate software consultant, with more than two years of experience as a Software consultant in the financial sector and an overall of X years of experience as a Software Engineer. I have worked in numerous applications both back end and front end, mainly with Java and Javascript both with frameworks, such as Spring and ReactJs and without. My studies include a MEng in Computer Science at the University of Bristol and a BEng, MEng in Civil Engineering (Structural) at the Democritus University of Thrace. The skills I obtained from my diverse education, along with my experience working and undertaking projects, are mainly problem solving, ease in adapting rapidly and the capability to undertake a broad variety of tasks. I am looking forward to using and enhancing these skills, and becoming a productive member of our society.

Employment Experience +

2023 - present - Senior Full-stack Software Engineer (DAACI, London)

Developing tools for musicians and composers including a Java standalone app for meta-composition and C++ plugins.
(XX months, Full-Time)

2022 - 2023 - Senior Full-stack Software Engineer (HeliosX, London)

Developing and maintaining a series of microservices using cloud providers.
With heavy involvement in the design process.
(1 year, Full-Time)

2020 - 2022 - Full-stack Software Engineer (Elsevier, London)

Developing and maintaining a series of microservices using cloud providers.
With heavy involvement in the design process.
(2 years and 8 months, Full-Time)

2017 - 2019 - Software Consultant (Scott Logic, Bristol)

Developing bespoke software for clients in the financial sector.
Refining requirements as per the project's needs.
Researching and investigating technologies that are suitable for the client's use case.
(2 years and 11 months, Full-Time)

2016 - Motion Tracking Annotation (SHPERE, Bristol)

Annotating raw data from motion detection cameras with VICON's Nexux Motion Capture Software.
(2 months, Project)

2015 - Electrician Assistant (Bristol Sparks, Bristol)

Installing electrical circuits and CCTV systems.
(2 months, Project)

2013 - Research Assistant in (GTE, Madrid)

Calculating simple structures for construction.
Researching folding trusses as a future investment.
(4 months, Full-Time, Internship)

+ Programming Skills


My experience with Java started with auxiliary calculating applications, while I was studying civil engineering, such as column stress analysis and rebar calculation for concrete members. Later on I refined my knowledge on Java with the equivalent unit at University of Bristol.

Projects: Mammography Interpretation Tool (Caffe),
Face Recognition Pong Game, generic database.

APIs used: SQL, OpenCV Certification: Oracle Certified Associate - Java8


The main programming language of my Master's course, was C. Within the course I used data structures, such as linked lists, queues, trees and stacks.

Projects: Teletext decoder, Game Of Life, Image Processing and Computer Vision apps using OpenCV.

Libraries used: SDL, OpenCV, atlas, lmdb, pthread.



I first started using HTML in a computer science class in High-School, then in University of bristol I had a unit on web technologies. Sample1, Sample2,.


The databases unit in my last degree included a complete implementation of the database side of a faculty forum. The server was programmed in Java with an the SQLite database.


I used NodeJS to program a server of a dynamic website, along with the database it is backed with.


MATLAB was my first contact to programming, initially using the built-in libraries, in order to solve mathematical and engineering problems. The libraries I used the most was the plotting library and the one for fuzzy logic.

I used MATLAB for my final project in order to automate the preprocessing of the mammography dataset which was compiled by 10480 X-ray images.


I used Python, and more specifically Jupyter (iPython) Notebooks in order to visualize the layers of the Convolutional Neural Network used for the Mammography Interpretation Tool.

Modules Used: NumPy, matplotlib, caffe.




Education +

2015 - 2016 Computer Science MSc
  • Average: 74 %
  • Project: Mammography Interpretation Tool
    using Covolutional Neural Networks
  • Units List +
    • Programming in C - 73 %
    • Computer Architecture - 75 %
    • Software Engineering - 68 %
    • Web Technologies -78 %
    • Databases - 82 %
    • Research Skills - 66 %
    • Object Oriented Programming - Java - 75 %

2011 - 2012 Civil Engineering
Erasmus Exchange Program

2007 - 2014 Civil Engineering BEng
Structural Engineering MEng
  • Average: 7.07/10
  • Project: Experimental Corroboration Of The
    Behaviour Of A Bolted RBS Connection
    Under Cyclic Load
  • Selected Unit List +
    • Fuzzy Logic - 10/10
    • Informatics - Fortran 9/10
    • Mechanics of Rigid Body - 9/10
    • Theory of Elastic Stability - 10/10
    • Plates and Shells - 9.5/10
    • Theory of Elasticity - 7.5/10
    • Steel Structures - 8.5/10
    • Laboratory Topics in Reinforced Concrete - 8.5/10
    • Fluid Mechanics - 7/10
    • Numerical Analysis - 7/10

2001 - 2007 High School
  • Average: 18.67/20
  • Extra Curricular Activities +
    • Greek Theater Club
    • Chess Club
    • Tennis Club
    • School Newspaper Club

+ Spoken Languages

  • English

    star star star star star
  • Spanish

    star star star star star
  • Greek

    star star star star star
  • German

    star star circle circle circle
  • Italian

    star star circle circle circle
Ielts band 8.0 2015
B2 Cambridge Advanced 2006
C1 Michigan Proficiency 2006
Mother language
B2 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Lived, studied and worked in spain.
B2 Zertificat 2004

Projects +

  1. Pyspark analytics tool

    A python application that gathers data from the client's businesses analysies it and exports it in various ways, to give flexibility to the end user. The application uses spark and hadoop, submitting jobs using yarn.

    In this project I wrote spark queries in order to transform and aggragate data. I also developed a unit testing framework that creates an API to assist with the creation of unit tests for the spark queries and offers a unified way of creating spark dataframes and asserting the equality of dataframes in a seemles way. I used Freemarker Template to generate configuration files in order to enable the adaptation of the software from other departments, without the need for futher development.

    Configuring and fine-tuning spark was one of the most interesting parts of the project, as the documentation for doing so merely covers the simplest use cases. Another interesting aspect of the project was writting unit tests around spark prudently because of the overhead imposed by the creation of a spark session. It was crucial that we only included sensible unit tests so that the build times wouldn't grow in a disproportionate manner.

  2. Green New Deal Glasgow (Common Wealth)

    A series of interactive websites that present the potential implementation of the Green New Deal in Glasgow. Research that was conducted by Ground Lab and presented by the Common Wealth’s Green New Deal series. Sample

    Sample of the website
    One of the three projects depicting a sectional view of the Glasgow Tenements.
  3. UK Restoration and Rewilding (Common Wealth)

    An interactive SVG map that represents the benefits of re-wilding the UK based on a quantitative research by Simon Lewis as part of Common Wealth’s Green New Deal series. Sample

    Sample of the website
    Final design of the landing page.
  4. Green New Deal - City of the future (Common Wealth)

    An interactive SVG map that depicts an implementation of the Green New Deal. Sample

    Sample of the website
    Final design of the landing page.
  5. Fscs Reporting tool

    A Java application that gathers data from the client's businesses and produces a report that is compliant with the FSCS regulations. In this project I promoted the use of Java Stream, in order to express the many complicated transformations of the data flow.
    Details cannot be provided due to a non-disclosure agreement with the client.

  6. Candidate Application Tracker

    A web app that tracks the progress of a candidate for any of the offered positions. Part of the project was to maintain and add features to the Java back-end, while updating the Durandal front-end. Another part was to entirely re-write the front-end with ReactJs while making it GDPR compliant.

    This application is integrated with Exchange in order to book meeting rooms and invite the potential interviewers. It is backed by an SQL database in order to keep interview scores, comments and help the HR team select the most adequate interviewers from the company staff, according to experience and personal involvement with relevant technologies to the position. Involved heavy use of granular user privileges according to the user's position, level of seniority. It is integrated with the company website in order to achieve an automated application process with the wpengine and Gravity Forms.

  7. Website of Artist (University of Bristol)

    This project began with the Web Technologies unit and was later developed into a collaboration with a real artist. This project received best of class mark. Sample

    Sample of the website
    Final design of the landing page.
  8. Web based real estate speculation game participate

    Live-prototype of an entry for the Tomorrows exhibition, organised by the Onassis Cultural Centre.

    Sample of the website
    The START screen, where the logo of the game can be seen.
  9. University forum website database (University of Bristol)

    This was a group project (4 people) for the databases unit. Each member of the group was responsible for the implementation of separate method, each one of which included an SQL query and the equivalent Java server method. Key part of the project's success were the productivity platforms and the test driven development. This project recieved best of class mark (100%).

  10. Mammography Interpretation Tool
    using Computer Vision (University of Bristol Dissertation)

    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are machine learning structures able to implement aspects of biological vision systems. They can be used in Computer Vision applications to recognise and classify objects in given imagery.

    This project aims at producing a mammary gland screening tool using CNNs. A tool that is, at least, able to segment volumes with densities that differ from the expected in a provided mammography sample. The project aims at highlighting suspected regions of malignant tumour in these segments. The system would ideally be able to assist doctors in the assessment of mammography samples.

    Diagnosed Image
    Sample of an analysed X-ray mammography.
    Processed Images
    Selection of image filters applied to a mammography.

    The framework used for the CNNs is Caffe, a framework developed by Berkeley Vision and Learning Center.

    An actual clip from the project's Graphical User Interphase.
  11. Experimental Corroboration of
    Reduced Beam Section moment connections (DUTh Dissertation)

    The aim of this project is to protect connections and columns in steel frames, from brittle failure, by the controlled weakening of the beam. This project included a full scale Eurocode compliant epxeriment and its corroboration from a Finite Element Analysis model run in Abaqus/CAE.

    Diagnosed Image
    Overview of the experiment assembly.
    Processed Images
    Comparison of the resulting deformations between the real experimental component and the result of the simulation.

+ Software


  • AutoCad AutoCad star star star star circle
  • Revit Revit star star circle circle circle
  • SolidWorks SolidWorks star star star circle circle


  • Maya Maya star star circle circle circle
  • Artlantis Artlantis star star star circle circle

Finite Element Analysis

  • Simulia Abaqus Maya star star star star circle
  • Robot Robot Structural Analysis star star star circle circle
  • Inventor Inventor star star circle circle circle


  • Photoshop Photoshop star star star star circle
  • InDesign InDesign star star star circle circle
  • Premier Pro Premier Pro star star circle circle circle
  • GIMP GIMP star star star star circle
  • Inkscape Inkscape star star star circle circle
  • Blender Blender star star circle circle circle

Hobbies +

  • Digital Music Production music production
  • Photography photography
  • Capoeira capoeira
  • Chess chess
  • Skiing skiing
  • Climbing climbing


  • 07751718491